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A 22 year old female patient comes to your clinic with a MOD cavity on tooth #46 and involving the DL cusp. After examining the patient you notice that MB cusp of the same tooth is fractured. Based on clinical judgment and patient preference you decide to go for an onlay restoration. You select the shade, give anesthesia, wait for the effect to take place and ask your assistant to start recording.
Now imagine that the phantom head is your 22 year old patient, be gentle!
1. What do I do next?
1. Register your name below along with the names of your team members and claim your Registration ID.
2. Create a video tutorial that matches the competition guidelines
3. Send the video to the Scientific Committee Officer at in two forms:
a. First Form: The video must include the University name along with the team members' names.
b. Second Form: The video must only include the Registration ID without any other form of identification.
4. Winners will be announced in December, 2016.
2. Who is eligible?
Dental students in their clinical years (3rd, 4th, 5th year), Interns and Postgraduate Students
3. When is the Deadline?
Deadline is the 27th of November, 2016
4. What is the Prize?
1. The winning video will be uploaded on the GDSA Official Youtube Channel
2. The winners will receive a monetary prize
3. The winners will be awarded a Certificate at GDSA's General Assembly
5. Where do I register?
Click here to register your name and team members
6. What are the Competition Guidelines?
a) Procedure
1. A preparation of a Conventional Onlay on tooth #46
2. Must be a MOD cavity involving the MB and DL cusps
3. Procedure done on a phantom head jaw
b) Video Technicalities
1. Video duration is around 20 minutes
2. Video must be in the form of written steps (Step 1, Step 2, Step 3...)
3. Video must include GDSA's logo along with the title: "Conventional Onlay Tutorial"
4. Video must include the tooth number, the type of cavity prepared, and the armamentarium used.
7. If I have an inquiry, who should I contact?
The GDSA's Scientific Committee Officer at
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