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Upcoming Projects

GDSA is planning an eventful year! Join the scientific, community service and social events that will be running across the Gulf countries throughout the year.


Community Service Projects:


-Medical Missions

Mission to the refugee camps in Jordan, to offer basic dental and medical care to those in need. These missions are in association with the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS).


-GDSA Bookfair

Re-selling of unwanted/unused books! All money that is collected will be donated to a cause that will help the community.


-Fundraising Charity Events

Raising money for different charitable causes across the Gulf region.


-Earth Hour

GDSA's community service community is planning to take part in the Earth Hour on March 26, 2016.


Post Graduate & Scientific Projects:


-1st Gulf Dental Research Journal

GDSA plans to introduce the first online dental journal to Gulf dental students and young dentists, providing them with an opportunity to get their research papers published online.


-Post Graduate Workshops

Organizing and updating Gulf dental students on workshops and training sessions available in the region.


-"What's Next" Campaign

Electronic campaign consisting of informative videos for career coaching of young dentists.




Follow us on social media for dates and regular updates regarding GDSA projects!

© 2016 Gulf Dental Students and Young Dentists Association

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